Validate and optimize your existing skin product formulations. By identifying new bioactivity and indications, we provide you with the scientific backing for novel marketing claims. You may find that your product has skincare benefits that you didn’t know existed.

Using our discovery platform Hexis Pro.X, we can help you validate and optimise your existing skin product formulations. By identifying new bioactivity and indications, we provide you with the scientific backing for novel marketing claims. You may find that your product has skincare benefits that you didn’t know existed.


Get Valuable New Claims for Your Skincare Product

Your existing skincare products may possess benefits that you don’t yet know about. If these benefits can be identified and validated, your skincare product will acquire new claims for marketing purposes, helping validate and expand your market share. Our proprietary technology provides new screening capabilities to assess the impact of product ingredients on the systems within skin. This method identifies skin benefits that standard research methods are likely to miss.


Find Hidden Value in Your Compound Database

Does your library of compounds contain potential active ingredients for skincare products? Our proprietary technology can identify them through screening. When a compound is found to have potentially beneficial interactions on skin, Hexis Lab validates this with appropriate laboratory assay testing.


Novel Skin Assay Screening Services for Your Products

We provide a number of bespoke screening services for your bioactive compounds and formulations:

  • Protection against UVA/UVB sun damage
  • Protection against pollutant toxicity
  • Free radical & oxidative stress
  • Protection against mitochondrial damage
  • Protection against irritative skin reaction
  • Melanin release
  • Fibroblast viability and metabolism


Leading fortune 500 skincare brand

Looking for new ingredients and formulation for its new product range

We identified many novel combinations of ingredients using our in-sillico discovery platform, HexisPro.X. We tested and validated skincare benefits in complex assays and developed new scientific data for sales, marketing and claim substantiation.


High value

Identify suitable ‘green’ alternatives that were compatible with their existing personal care formulations

We assessed over 30,000 materials using our HexisPro.X platform and selected the best five formulations tested and validated in bioassays to address the formulation challenge. Our effective solution provided a new basis for new patent applications for our client.


Aspirational brand developer

Assessment of natural plant-based ingredients' safety and potential therapeutic benefits

We identified the critical ingredient components of the plant-based extract and mapped out their beneficial activity using our in-sillico platform, HexisPro.X. Our solution enables the brand to identify new claims and benefits for these nutraceutical products and develop a sound basis for clinical trials.