Category Archives: Publications
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation in Dark Skin: Molecular Mechanism and Skincare Implications
Human skin is a stratified organ frequently exposed to sun-generated ultraviolet radiation (UVR), which is [...]
Evaluation of Personalized Skincare Through in-silico Gene Interactive Networks and Cellular Responses to UVR and Oxidative Stress
Human skin is a stratified organ frequently exposed to sun-generated ultraviolet radiation (UVR), which is [...]
Skin aging and mitochondria
Human skin is a stratified organ frequently exposed to sun-generated ultraviolet radiation (UVR), which is [...]
Anti-Glycation and Anti-Aging Properties of Resveratrol Derivatives in the in-vitro 3D Models of Human Skin
Human skin is a stratified organ frequently exposed to sun-generated ultraviolet radiation (UVR), which is [...]
DNA damage in human skin and the capacities of natural compounds to modulate the bystander signalling
Human skin is a stratified organ frequently exposed to sun-generated ultraviolet radiation (UVR), which is [...]
Personalized skincare: From molecular basis to clinical and commercial applications
Individual responses of human skin to the environmental stress are determined by differences in the [...]
Involvement of the nuclear structural proteins in aging-related responses of human skin to the environmental stress
Human skin is a stratified organ frequently exposed to sun-generated ultraviolet radiation (UVR), which is [...]
Evaluation of the antioxidant efficacy of extracts/ ingredients used in skin care products
The so-called active ingredients in skin care product formulations are purported to deliver the intended [...]
Melanogenic Difference Consideration in Ethnic Skin Type: A Balance Approach Between Skin Brightening Applications and Beneficial Sun Exposure
Human skin demonstrates a striking variation in tone and color that is evident among multiple [...]
Lamin A/C-dependent interaction with 53BP1 promotes cellular responses to DNA damage
Lamins A/C have been implicated in DNA damage response pathways.