Author Archives: Hexis Lab

Evaluation of the antioxidant efficacy of extracts/ ingredients used in skin care products

The so-called active ingredients in skin care product formulations are purported to deliver the intended [...]

Melanogenic Difference Consideration in Ethnic Skin Type: A Balance Approach Between Skin Brightening Applications and Beneficial Sun Exposure

Human skin demonstrates a striking variation in tone and color that is evident among multiple [...]

Dynamic complexes of A-type lamins and emerin influence adipogenic capacity of the cell via nucleocytoplasmic distribution of β-catenin

It is well documented that adipogenic differentiation of the cell is associated with downregulation of [...]

Fault tolerance and network integrity measures: the case of computer-based systems

Fault tolerance is a key aspect of the dependability of complex computer-based systems. Faulttolerance may [...]

Kohonen Networks with Graph-based Augmented Metrics

Correct and efficient text classification is a major challenge in today’s world of rapidly increasing [...]

Bacillus Subtilis Protein Interaction Network Analysis

Identifying functionally important proteins that are essential to the survival of a bacterial cell is [...]